Housing NGOs and Charities in Karachi

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing shelter to the homeless as well as working on promoting housing affordability. in Karachi. Total Results = 11

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Dar Ul Sukun's vision is that people with disabilities have equal access to quality healthcare, education, housing, shelter, and job opportunities. They also have an orphanage in Karachi.
Their primary goal is to draw attention to the public's problems through forums, research, and documentation. URC also arranges lectures on development-related issues for NGOs. This helps organizations to relate their work to larger issues.
AAS is providing free rehabilitation therapy, aftercare, and family counselling to street children & women suffering from substance use disorder, trauma and abuse. They also provides these services at a subsidized cost to men above the age of 18 years.

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ModulusTech began this process by creating self-sufficient communities for the most marginalized communities, offering not only homes but also improved health, security, and economic opportunity.
Sarim Burney trust is one of the top NGOs in Pakistan. Its services are Free Legal advice, shelter homes, human trafficking, disaster management, supporting disabled people and a range of other focus areas.

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