Other Societal Benefits NGOs and Charities in Karachi

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on various issues including Peace and Conflict Resolution, Research Work, Religion & Spirituality, Transportation , Agriculture, Sports n Recreation, Crime n Safety ,Corruption and Accountability etc. in Karachi. Total Results = 20

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Indus Hospital is the one of the largest NGO in Karachi. It provides free healthcare in Pakistan. Their networks are hospitals, primary care program, blood transfusion services, pediatric oncology services, physical rehabilitation center, education.
Their primary goal is to draw attention to the public's problems through forums, research, and documentation. URC also arranges lectures on development-related issues for NGOs. This helps organizations to relate their work to larger issues.
The CPCL is a non-political, statutory organization that assists victims of crime and provides technical assistance to LEAs. CPLC strives to monitor and prevent criminal activity. Protect lives and property, and uphold the rule of law.

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Make-A-Wish Foundation is the world’s largest wish granting organization with its presence over 55 Countries in 5 continents. It has been granting life-changing wishes for children suffering from diseases and terminal illnesses.
The Green City Welfare Organization is working on tree plantations, hunger, free education, and health. It is a Karachi-based NGO.

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