Disability Support NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing education and training for those suffering from disabilities so they are able to earn livelihood. These ngos have specialized education programmes and schools that impart education and teach skills for the differently abled population. Total Results = 170

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Arushi is an organization working for people with disabilities. Qualified therapists and special educators provide therapies and training to people with disabilities of all ages at their rehabilitation center in bhopal.
Blind People Association is an NGO for blind people in India. The BPA and the Bareja General Hospital Trust collaborated to establish Porech Eye Hospital. The BPA believes that disability rights are equal to those of non-disabled people.
Sense India is working for capacity building for deaf and blind people in India through an inclusive education system.
Bethany Society is a charitable society in Shillong that works as a disability support NGO. They create opportunities, especially for people with disabilities, through education and environmentally friendly livelihoods.
BFB is a blind care NGO in India. They are working to empower visually impaired individuals. They are dedicated to enhancing their quality of life and upholding their dignity. Also provides educational and career guidance to visually impaired girls.
It is a disability support NGO in Indore. They are doing some research for the improvement of sign language. Through which they get the liberty to communicate with the world.