Health Care - Other services NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing other Health Care services. Total Results = 247

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Womencare works to end gender inequality and any discrimination against women in India. They also provide free legal advice and help, skill development classes, free ambulance services, an old age care center, free education for women, and rehab services.
ALIG is an NGO in Jharkhand. They are working to provide education, digital literacy, an adult literacy program, a child sponsorship program, school libraries, vocational training, stitching and tailoring, computer hardware training, and healthcare.
Bethany Society is a charitable society in Shillong that works as a disability support NGO. They create opportunities, especially for people with disabilities, through education and environmentally friendly livelihoods.
Krushi Vikas is one of the top NGOs for farmers. It was established in 1991. They are working for sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, nature conservation, and sustainable sustainable livelihoods.
Aaroha is an NGO for child education. Their goal is to provide the best environment for the welfare of underprivileged children. providing them a quality education and assisting them in their development.