Health Care - Other services NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing other Health Care services. Total Results = 247

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NEN is a non-profit organization working for women's rights. They are working with and for women of all ethnicities, sexual and gender identities, disabilities, cultures, and spaces. They are working as a women's welfare NGO in Meghalaya.
Sauramandala is an NGO in Shillong that solves the issues of remote and inaccessible communities by accelerating social and economic change through collective action. Founded in 2018.
ONGC is a health care NGO in Delhi, also working for education, livelihood, community, and care for people. ONGC also provides scholarships to meritorious students in the SC/ST, OBC, & EWS categories.