Health Care - Other services NGOs and Charities in Maharashtra

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing other Health Care services. in Maharashtra. Total Results = 39

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A non-profit organization in India that has been making a sustainable difference for over 125 years. Established India’s first cancer care hospital and also working in the fields of education, WASH, digital transformation, skill development, etc.
Alert India is working to improve the health of people affected by leprosy and other communicable diseases. They focus primarily on leprosy control through community partnership. Also provide Tuberculosis (TB) Control and HIV/AIDS Control Projects.
Shree Siddhivinayak Ganapati Temple at Prabhadevi in Mumbai is involved in several charitable activities like financial support for free healthcare in Mumbai, a dialysis center, educational resources, and a library.
Krushi Vikas is one of the top NGOs for farmers. It was established in 1991. They are working for sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, nature conservation, and sustainable sustainable livelihoods.
SNEHA is an NGO in Maharashtra that works for the needs of women and children living in the slums of Mumbai. With a focus on vulnerable women and children, SNEHA provides preventive and promotional healthcare in a holistic manner.