Community Development NGOs and Charities in Pakistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on community development activities. These include projects for basic infrastructure improvement, civic awareness sessions and others. Total Results = 189

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Their mission is to promote sustainable community growth through a set of services in the areas of community physical infrastructure, human resource development, education, information technology & emergency relief with special focus on women and children
Enhancing rural lives with water access & technology through the use of goats as alternate currency. Their work is to enable smallholder rural, off-grid farming communities to meet their farming and household needs using livestock as currency.

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Sohni Dharti is a community development NGO in Abbottabad, KPK. It works on community development, education and child welfare in KPK.
ZVMG's mission is to serve humanity through the promotion of art and culture and the provision of high-quality education and health care to underprivileged communities. They also providing vocational training courses.
Their mission is to empower a culture of human rights for sustainable development. Inspire Pakistan proposes to implement corrective actions in response to the ongoing deterioration of human rights in Pakistan.

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