Blind - Visually Impaired NGOs and Charities in Pakistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing education and training for the visually impaired so they are able to earn livelihood. These ngos have specialized education programmes and schools teaching braille. Total Results = 27

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Their vision is to offer specialized training to the members of the Blind community that will enhance their abilities and provide them with equal opportunities to work and live as respected members of society.
POB is working for the prevention and treatment of the avoidable causes of blindness. They are providing free-of-cost diagnostic and surgical eye care services in remote areas of Pakistan. They have hospitals in Lahore and Karachi.
Formerly known as Karachi Airport Lions Eye Bank. In order to promote a synergy between vision and education, V4E has broadened its objective. Their vision is to empower every child for a sustainable future through a clear vision & high-quality education.
Vision Trust is managing Khairun-Nisa Eye Hospital in Karachi. It is an NGO for blind, providing quality eyecare for the visually impaired in Pakistan. They offer computerized eye checking, A-Scan biometry, B-Scan, pachymetry, cataract surgery, and others

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Visually Impaired People Support Welfare Association - VIPSA is working for those people who are blind or Visually Impaired.
Zohra Foundation is a UK-registered charity that works to help millions of widows, orphans, and the elderly in Pakistan, as well as responding to disasters around the world. They provide cataract surgery that can make a huge difference in someone's life.

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