Poverty Alleviation NGOs in Pakistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on alleviating poverty. They achieve this through skill based training programs and also provide soft loans. Total Results = 295

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CARAVAN has a ton of work done, with over 90+ projects that have been completed in a variety of industries, like health, education, government, farming, irrigation, construction, and relief and rehabilitation.

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NRSP Micro Finance Bank has been providing microcredit since 1992. They also focus on physical infrastructure and technology development, social mobilization, human resource development, environmental and natural resource management, etc.
NRSP is one of the largest rural development NGOs in Pakistan. Their mission is to alleviate poverty by enabling people to break the cycle of poverty. It was Established in 1991 and working in all over Pakistan.
SHED is a society for human & environmental development. They are providing humanitarian and development services through social mobilization, environmental initiatives and advocacy for sustainable development. They also works on rural women empowerment.
SDO is non-profit organization. It is working to empower vulnerable communities in Azad Jammu & Kashmir and rural areas of Islamabad / Rawalpindi. It was Established in 2011.

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