WASH NGOs and Charities in Delhi

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on water, sanitation and hygiene projects, collectively known as WASH. Projects include those targeting clean and safe water supply, awareness on modern hygiene projects and construction or installation of toilets near houses in villages and rural areas. Projects run by these ngos are often funded by international donors. in Delhi. Total Results = 6

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Goonj (an Indian NGO) uses material as a tool to address critical gaps in rural infrastructure, water, environment, livelihood, education, health, disaster relief, and rehabilitation. Goonj has built a network of communities from urban to village India.
WaterAid is an international charity in India, established in 1981. They are transforming the lives of the poorest and most marginalised by improving access to clean water, safe sanitation, and good hygiene.
The Center for Science and Environment is an NGO for water and sanitation. CSE is a public-interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. They are also working on climate change impacts in India.
IRC is working for social emergency response volunteers (SERV), blood centers, livelihood program, first aid, education and training program, T7tuberculosis (TB) program, family news service, youth program, and partners for resilience.