WASH NGOs and Charities in Maharashtra

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on water, sanitation and hygiene projects, collectively known as WASH. Projects include those targeting clean and safe water supply, awareness on modern hygiene projects and construction or installation of toilets near houses in villages and rural areas. Projects run by these ngos are often funded by international donors. in Maharashtra. Total Results = 12

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A non-profit organization in India that has been making a sustainable difference for over 125 years. Established India’s first cancer care hospital and also working in the fields of education, WASH, digital transformation, skill development, etc.
Paani Foundation is working for climate change effects in India. Also for environmental protection and water conservation. Their mission is to create a drought-free and prosperous Maharashtra. Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan is the founder of Paani Foundation.
Prayas Youth Foundation is an environment protection NGO in Maharashtra. They are also working for forests, plantations, agroforestry plantations, and water conservation in India.