WASH NGOs and Charities in Uttar Pradesh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on water, sanitation and hygiene projects, collectively known as WASH. Projects include those targeting clean and safe water supply, awareness on modern hygiene projects and construction or installation of toilets near houses in villages and rural areas. Projects run by these ngos are often funded by international donors. in Uttar Pradesh. Total Results = 12

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Disha Sewa Sansthan is a NGO that works in the areas of education, health and awareness, water and sanitation, environmental protection, community empowerment, and skill development training. It is a social welfare NGO in Meerut.
An NGO in Varanasi. Their activities are taking care of sparrows, roof gardening, raising knowledge of water conservation, promoting sustainability in urban areas, blood donation, and raising awareness.
Sushma Foundation is a Varanasi-based NGO that provides health care, environment protection, education, and help in the development of poor people in rural and urban areas without any distinction of caste or creed.
A women empowerment NGO that works for women empowerment and water conservation. women empowerment NGO in Meerut
The Asha Foundation works to improve society in the areas of health, education, the environment, sports, agriculture, sanitation, and unemployment. Asha Foundation is a Varanasi-based NGO.
VESS is a non-profit organization working for women's empowerment, poverty alleviation, water and sanitation, agriculture, environment, drug addiction, youth affairs, and HIV/AIDS awareness. The humanitarian NGO in Uttar Pradesh