Women Welfare NGOs and Charities in Gujarat

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on promotion of women welfare. These ngos work on a range of areas such as providing affordable credit, training, education and arranging employment for marginalized and low income group women. in Gujarat. Total Results = 16

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Manav Kartavya is an NGO in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, working for women empowerment, senior citizen care, and child education in Gujarat, India.
CHETNA believes that women's empowerment is a process of contemplation and action aimed at increasing self-esteem, confidence, and consciousness, allowing them to exercise their rights and enhance their health and quality of life.
The initiative was inspired by the work that they did volunteering with the “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” campaign of the Government of India.
Comprehensive microinsurance services will be given in a financially viable manner that encourages women workers in the informal economy to make decisions and take control. They works for Financial Sustainability of women.
MHT empowers grassroots women towards responsible urban development.