Shelter Homes and Homelessness NGOs and Charities in Punjab

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on facilities of shelter homes for vulnerable groups such as elderly, marginalized women etc. These charities work for the welfare and housing of homeless people. Services include provision of shelter, healthcare as well as advocacy for drawing government attention to the plight of the homeless. in Punjab. Total Results = 15

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AlKhidmat Foundation is one of the leading non-profit organizations in Pakistan. It is involved in humanitarian services work since 1990. This Lahore based NGO has offices in multiple cities in Pakistan.
SOS is a non-profit organization working for the welfare, education, and upbringing of orphans in Pakistan. It runs orphan homes in Lahore and multiple cities in Pakistan.
It is an Islamabad based NGO that provide Education, Shelter and all facilities of life to Orphans across Pakistan. It has orphanages in Islamabad, Sukkur, Sargodha and Waziristan.
Saba Homes wants to help orphans become self-sufficient and successful. They are helping children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice by providing education, training, and shelter.
Their mission is to create a peaceful society and world free from gender-based violence and discrimination. The center provides free health care and vocational training to women. They also offer free food to those in need.

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Seek team search for people who never spread their hands in front of others and help others for their well-being. SEEK-NPO has successfully resolved many cases relating to education, poverty, and the medical well-being of deserving people.

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