Blood Diseases NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing Free or subsidized health care services to those suffering from blood related ailments. These Ngos often maintain blood banks, run blood donation drives, run awareness campaigns about blood related diseases. Many such Ngos often run free dialysis centers. in Sindh. Total Results = 10

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SIUT provides free of cost healthcare with dignity. Their mission is to guarantee the fundamental right to health care for all individuals and to provide free medical coverage without discrimination. SIUT is one of the largest NGOs for health in Pakistan.
AMTF is one of the biggest thalassemia treatment NGOs in Pakistan. It provides free of cost advanced thalassemia care who are suffering from blood disorders. Their vision is to create mass awareness about childhood blood diseases. Established in 2003.
PWA has been providing free medical care to the poor and needy patients under the care of Dr. Ruth K.M Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi without any cost.
It is a healthcare NGO in Pakistan. Their mission is to serve the community by providing quality, affordable healthcare services in Pakistan. Husaini was formed with the aim to provide safe blood to our communities through their blood banks.
SWF is all about helping kids get the care they need, with a special focus on pediatric hospitals. They also provide medicines for things like T.B., kidneys, nephros, and cancer treatment. It was established in 1995 in Karachi.

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NIBD & BMT is the country’s only tertiary care & teaching institute exclusively focused on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with blood disorders. We are the pioneers in Bone Marrow Transplant - BMT in Pakistan and performed over 800 BMTs till date.
KITCC aims at eliminating Thalassemia in Pakistan. They provide regular blood exchange, lab services, blood banks, treatment through radiation, and PSWH for thalassemia kids. This is one of the best thalassemia treatment centers in Pakistan.
Fatimid Blood Bank provides thousands of bags of clean, fully-screened blood and blood products each month to its thousands of patients who suffer from severe blood disorders such as thalassemia, hemophilia, and other blood disorders.
This is a non-profit social welfare organization in Pakistan that's been helping people with low incomes since 1983. They provide services like health care, education, public education, livelihoods, orphan support, old age care, and emergency relief.

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