Environment and Climate NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting environment. They run awareness campaigns for climate change and pressurize governments to adopt policies for reducing carbon emissions. Many are also focused on adopting renewable energy solutions. in Sindh. Total Results = 33

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PFF is an NGO in Karachi. It is working for progression of underprivileged communities in Pakistan. They are working on food security, water rights, emergency response, environment and climate change in Pakistan. It was established in 1998.
Enhancing rural lives with water access & technology through the use of goats as alternate currency. Their work is to enable smallholder rural, off-grid farming communities to meet their farming and household needs using livestock as currency.
This is a private engineering consultancy. They provide expertise in the areas of energy efficiency, aerospace and renewable energy in Pakistan.
NDF is a disabled people organization. They are helping people with and without disabilities by raising awareness, developing skills, improving access to health care, education, employment and recreation and improving quality of life.

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MWF is a worldwide humanitarian aid organization supporting the poor and needy in marginalized communities. The AGHOSH (Orphan Homes) project builds a loving, stable family for orphaned, abandoned, and other vulnerable children around the world.
The Humanity Era is an NGO in Karachi. Their aim to help humanity. They are also working on poverty reduction.
SWO is a welfare Organization. Founded by youth, lead by youth, funded by youth. They are working on renewable energy resources in Karachi, Pakistan.

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