Legal Aid NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on free or subsidized legal aid services for those who are otherwise unable to afford it. It includes court legal advice and representation in courts. in Sindh. Total Results = 14

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Legal Aid Society is an NGO that provides free legal advice in Karachi to those who cannot afford it. It also has a free online legal advice helpline in Pakistan. It has offices in Karachi and Islamabad.
Ansar Burney trust is engaged in a range of charity activities in Pakistan. These include legal aid services, WASH projects, Human trafficking, missing persons and other issues.
PAWLA is a women lawyers body in Pakistan. Its members also provide pro bono Free legal help services to marginalized women who otherwise may not be able to afford a lawyer.
Founded in 2007, Pakistan Lawyers Foundation, PLF provides free online legal help services throughout Pakistan with a team of lawyers in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and other cities. They also provide free online legal assistance to those in need.
Sarim Burney trust is one of the top NGOs in Pakistan. Its services are Free Legal advice, shelter homes, human trafficking, disaster management, supporting disabled people and a range of other focus areas.

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PLUS has a mission to provide legal aid help services to poor segments of society. They provide free lawyer help in Pakistan for women, transgender, minorities and those with disabilities. Legal protection of rights of marginalized people is also their
This NGO provides free legal advice in Karachi to those in need.

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