Rights NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting rights of vulnerable groups. These NGOs work for child rights, consumer rights, human rights education, human rights, indigenous people, journalists rights and welfare associations, labour rights and welfare, religious minorities rights, prison reform violence against women, women rights, veterans rights and youth welfare in Sindh. Total Results = 120

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Legal Aid Society is an NGO that provides free legal advice in Karachi to those who cannot afford it. It also has a free online legal advice helpline in Pakistan. It has offices in Karachi and Islamabad.
PILER is an NGO. Their mission is to promote a democratic and successful labour movement for the development of a just and fair society where people's fundamental rights are protected and safeguarded. PILER has always stood for labour rights in Pakistan.
Their vision is to manage and support educational institutions that provide instruction, vocational training, polytechnic training, information, and research in order to support community welfare programs in Pakistan. It was established in 1981.
Their vision is to assist in establishing new or strengthening current community-based organizations, in initiatives that support improved health, education, access to essential services, with the goal of increasing knowledge, capacity and productivity.

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Founded in 1995, Aahung is a Karachi based NGO working to improve the reproductive and sexual health and rights of the men, women, and children of Pakistan.
PHRO is a member-based organization for human rights. PHRO's vision is to develop a world where there is no discrimination in terms of access to development opportunities. Their mission is to evolve, think, feel, express, share, serve, and live together.
They are supporting women and youth to earn a sustainable income in agricultural economies by helping them to build skills and establish agricultural enterprises. They are also promoting digital skills to access new online markets and IT-related jobs.
HRYO awareness and education about the universal declaration of human rights, preventing human rights violations, and providing legal assistance and support to victims They also work for youth and women's empowerment, minorities, and labor rights.
War Against Rape is an NGO working to create a rape and harassment free society. They also conducts awareness program on the issue of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in Pakistan.

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