Micro Finance and Micro Credit NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing affordable credit to poverty stricken population. These ngos provide soft loans and easy terms for various urgent needs of the people. Some also run micro credit banks. in Sindh. Total Results = 4

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After OPP's success with its five core programs—low-cost sanitation, housing, health, education, and loan for microenterprise—in 1988, it was upgraded to three autonomous institutions. OPP-RTI, OPP-OCT, and OPP-KHASDA
Their mission is to "transform Pakistan into a cashless and financially inclusive society by creating value through collaboration and technology." They provide microfinance credit, qarobari qarza for women, sarmaya qarza, and microenterprise loans.

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