Development NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on development activities in urban and rural areas. These Ngos through donor funding introduce projects for the uplift of villages and cities. Projects include tree plantation drives, beach cleanup drives, water filtration, sanitation facilities etc. in Sindh. Total Results = 118

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The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is the leading Education NGO of Pakistan. It is known for imparting quality education in its well equipped schools. This NGO was established in 1995 in Karachi.
Hands Pakistan is a leading non-profit organization working for poverty alleviation in Pakistan. Its focus areas include health, education, disaster recovery, and WASH. Hands is a Karachi-based NGO.
PFF is an NGO in Karachi. It is working for progression of underprivileged communities in Pakistan. They are working on food security, water rights, emergency response, environment and climate change in Pakistan. It was established in 1998.
Their vision is to manage and support educational institutions that provide instruction, vocational training, polytechnic training, information, and research in order to support community welfare programs in Pakistan. It was established in 1981.
The AKDN is an international network of NGOs and development agencies. It is an international NGO based in Islamabad. Its focus work areas include Micro Finance, Education, Health and Nutrition, Economic development and disaster response.

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TRDP is an NGO for rural development in Pakistan. TRDP works with the poor and vulnerable sections of society, especially women in the most remote and deprived areas of Sindh province. They are working on mother and child health, water & sanitation etc.
RDF is working in the rural and semi rural areas in Sindh. Their mission is development of marginalized and poor groups. RDF working on the sector of education & learning, water and energy, health, nutrition and sanitation and disaster risk managment.
Their vision is to assist in establishing new or strengthening current community-based organizations, in initiatives that support improved health, education, access to essential services, with the goal of increasing knowledge, capacity and productivity.
Their primary goal is to draw attention to the public's problems through forums, research, and documentation. URC also arranges lectures on development-related issues for NGOs. This helps organizations to relate their work to larger issues.
Enhancing rural lives with water access & technology through the use of goats as alternate currency. Their work is to enable smallholder rural, off-grid farming communities to meet their farming and household needs using livestock as currency.

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