Environment and Climate NGOs in Uttar Pradesh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting environment. They run awareness campaigns for climate change and pressurize governments to adopt policies for reducing carbon emissions. Many are also focused on adopting renewable energy solutions. in Uttar Pradesh. Total Results = 18

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GGSEF is an environmental and social organization in India. They work on the mission of achieving social upliftment and environmental, health, education, agriculture, and legal awareness for community empowerment.
An environmental NGO in Meerut Uttar Pradesh is a non-government organization that works for the environment and society.
A humanitarian NGO in Meerut is working in the fields of awareness programs, fitness and healthcare, helping underprivileged children, animals and wildlife conservation, human rights, and women empowerment. NGO in Uttar Pradesh.
Sushma Foundation is a Varanasi-based NGO that provides health care, environment protection, education, and help in the development of poor people in rural and urban areas without any distinction of caste or creed.
The best NGO in Varanasi. The mission of the Sudha Amritam Welfare Society is to promote women's safety and freedom. Along with planting trees, we also take care of them like children as part of our efforts for environmental conservation.
Nauka Foundation is an environmental NGO in Uttar Pradesh which works for the environment and education.
They focus on education policy, the health system, the environment, agriculture, and working for the needy groups in society. Their aim is to support individuals in creating a better environment for future generations of youth in Uttar Pradesh.