Education and Training NGOs and Charities in Balochistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on literacy promotion. Their work includes managing schools for primary education, conducting adult literacy programs, vocational skill based training. Some are focused on educating those with special needs and differently abled individuals. in Balochistan. Total Results = 25

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TKF's mission is to strengthen communities through provision of education, health care, better environmental & infrastructure and opportunities for livelihood while ensuring food security. It also addresses the needs of communities affected by disasters.
SHADE is a Balochistan based NGO that works for rights of women in Pakistan, and provides them free legal assistance.
Their mission is to promote sustainable community growth through a set of services in the areas of community physical infrastructure, human resource development, education, information technology & emergency relief with special focus on women and children
Social Sangat is a learning based civil society organization based in Balochistan. They are working for human rights, political education.

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