Animal Rescue and Shelters in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing rescue and rehabilitation services for injured or incarcerated animals. These NGOs often have expert veterinarians on their teams that perform surgeries on rescued animals. Total Results = 119

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Stray Animal Foundation is a foster-focused and animal shelter organization that is working to build a strong, compassionate animal welfare network in Hyderabad, India, providing shelter infrastructure, vet care, supplies, education, and manpower.
An NGO in Varanasi. Their activities are taking care of sparrows, roof gardening, raising knowledge of water conservation, promoting sustainability in urban areas, blood donation, and raising awareness.
We For Education Welfare Society is an NGO in Meerut that works in the fields of health, livelihood, education, and environment. This is a health care NGO in Uttar Pradesh.