NGOs and Charities in Punjab

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working in Punjab. Total Results = 432

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They are working in 3 core areas:- education, social Innovation and community development. Their aim is to enhance the educational system in Pakistan through the introduction of the concept of "Informal education system" and "Education research labs".
It is an Islamabad based NGO that provide Education, Shelter and all facilities of life to Orphans across Pakistan. It has orphanages in Islamabad, Sukkur, Sargodha and Waziristan.

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It is one of the largest crowdfunding platforms in the healthcare sector of Pakistan. Transparent Hands provide free of cost healthcare services in Pakistan to needy people & arrange medical camps for the underprivileged community.
TFP is supporting the different organizations across the country that are working for the treatment and prevention of Thalassaemia. Their objective is to support the associations in providing all the necessary support to the Thalassaemic community.
Shirkatgah is a Pakistani NGO that works for female rights in Pakistan. It promotes gender equality, builds feminist movements, women's movements, and work for empowerment of poverty stricken women.
An NGO in Lahore that offers free and highly subsidized psychiatric clinics and other mental health support services like schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder in Lahore

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