Human Rights NGOs and Charities in Uttar Pradesh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting basic human rights. They provide advocacy, legal and other support services to those whose rights have been violated or abused. These ngos also work in co-ordination with governments on laws related to human rights. in Uttar Pradesh. Total Results = 3

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GGSEF is an environmental and social organization in India. They work on the mission of achieving social upliftment and environmental, health, education, agriculture, and legal awareness for community empowerment.
A humanitarian NGO in Meerut is working in the fields of awareness programs, fitness and healthcare, helping underprivileged children, animals and wildlife conservation, human rights, and women empowerment. NGO in Uttar Pradesh.
VESS is a non-profit organization working for women's empowerment, poverty alleviation, water and sanitation, agriculture, environment, drug addiction, youth affairs, and HIV/AIDS awareness. The humanitarian NGO in Uttar Pradesh