Rural Development NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on development activities in remote and rural areas. These ngos through donor funding introduce projects like water filteration, sanitation facilities and others in the remote areas. Such projects often include contribution from local communities in form of a percentage of funds or through free labour as contribution provided by direct beneficiaries. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 17

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United Nation's Development program is a body of the UN. They collaborate with local NGOs and the government of Pakistan to create and promote solutions to local problems and improve living standards. They promote UN SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals.
USAID is the international development department of the government of United States. USAID Pakistan provides funding and support to NGOs, NPOs and government of Pakistan for various development activities.
Sungi is an NGO working for humanitarian sector and development in Pakistan. It is working on the development of marginalized communities through poverty alleviation, WASH, gender justice, enhancing youth employability and enterprise development program.

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