Rural Development NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on development activities in remote and rural areas. These ngos through donor funding introduce projects like water filteration, sanitation facilities and others in the remote areas. Such projects often include contribution from local communities in form of a percentage of funds or through free labour as contribution provided by direct beneficiaries. in Sindh. Total Results = 42

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TRDP is an NGO for rural development in Pakistan. TRDP works with the poor and vulnerable sections of society, especially women in the most remote and deprived areas of Sindh province. They are working on mother and child health, water & sanitation etc.
RDF is working in the rural and semi rural areas in Sindh. Their mission is development of marginalized and poor groups. RDF working on the sector of education & learning, water and energy, health, nutrition and sanitation and disaster risk managment.

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