Youth Welfare NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on youth welfare. They run training and counselling programs for the youth. Programs focus on developing leadership, inter-personal communication and other skills. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 9

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PPAF Fund is working for building resilience to disasters & climate change, development of hydropower and renewable project, programme for poverty reduction ,interest free loan programme in pakistan.
Sungi is an NGO working for humanitarian sector and development in Pakistan. It is working on the development of marginalized communities through poverty alleviation, WASH, gender justice, enhancing youth employability and enterprise development program.
Shirakat is a non-governmental organization working on human rights and women’s rights in Pakistan. Their thematic areas of work and strategies are: violence against women and children, peacebuilding, working together for equality, and social justice.

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Their mission is to promote and support young people who are unable to do so through advocacy work, personal and institutional growth and capacity building to play an active role in transforming Pakistan into a more inclusive and progressive nation.

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