Vocational Training NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on vocational training programs for the public, specially youth. These include skilled based courses that help people in getting skilled employment. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 16

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This is a non-profit community support organization. They are working in the fields of education, healthcare, social mobilization, vocational skills, early childhood development & climate change. Taleem for all is one of Pakistan’s leading organizations.

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Navttc is a vocational training institute. They provide vocational training courses. Their vision is Skills for Employability, Skills for All. Navttc courses are developing the skills of youth in order to enhance their social and economic profile.
Nai Zindagi provides right-based health and social services to individuals, affected families, and those who have aids symptoms. They provide HIV Aids treatment, care, and support to persons already living with HIV and AIDS.
Hawwa Associates is a Social Welfare Organization. They provide skill development and vocational training to poor women in order to make them financially stable. This charity organization is based in Islamabad.

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