Women Welfare NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on promotion of women welfare. These ngos work on a range of areas such as providing affordable credit, training, education and arranging employment for marginalized and low income group women. in Sindh. Total Results = 26

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The Memon Foundation works for women empowerment to develop self-motivated, independent & skilled women. WMFCCT caters to 120,000+ students annually and offers a wide range of 80+ vocational courses in Karachi.
ZWDS is a Larkana NGO that works for women empowerment in Sindh.

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This is an NGO in Karachi that is working for the rights of women. Their goal is to help underprivileged women and children.
WHWO is an NGO in Karachi. WHWO works for women's health & welfare, giving them social support through various programs.

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