Free Mental Health Help n Treatment NGOs in Pakistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing Free or Subsidized mental health care services to masses. These include therapy sessions, psychiatrist consultations, in-patient care, trauma therapy, helpline and mental health awareness programmes. Total Results = 38

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Taskeen is an Ngo working on increasing mental health awareness, psychiatry issues, providing free mental health clinics and advocating for mental health policies improvement in Pakistan.
Umeed-e-Nau is the clinical wing of Institute of Professional Psychology. It runs as a non-profit and offers therapy services & mental counseling through its well qualified clinical psychologists. It is located inside Bahria University, Karachi Campus.
It is among the top Autism NGOs in Pakistan. It provides courses for parents of children with Autism to increase their knowledge about this disease. It also provides services like ABA therapy, Speech therapy, occupational therapy, and psychotherapy.

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Bridge Rehab and Psychiatric Services is a centrally located treatment center for alcoholism, drug addictions, psychiatric illnesses, and other behavior disorders. This is one of the best drug rehabilitation centers in Lahore.

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