Free Mental Health Help n Treatment NGOs in Pakistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing Free or Subsidized mental health care services to masses. These include therapy sessions, psychiatrist consultations, in-patient care, trauma therapy, helpline and mental health awareness programmes. Total Results = 38

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Their mission is to work together with individuals and vulnerable communities to promote emotional health, mental health, tolerance, gender equality, and reducing violence against women and children. Rozan’s vision is "a self-aware, gender-just society".
Art of Living is one of the world’s largest volunteer-based non-profits. Operating in 180 countries. AOLF offers numerous highly effective educational and self-development programs. Focus on meditation for depression, anxiety, and mental health issues.

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The vision of PMHC is to help Pakistanis affected by stress, depression, anxiety, and mental health problems. PMHC is a network of organizations and individuals passionate about helping Pakistanis affected by mental health problems.
TRH offers psychiatric rehabilitation services for people with severe mental illness (SMI). They have a competent team comprising psychiatrists, general physicians, psychiatric rehab practitioners, and a trained nursing team.
This is one of the most advanced depression, anxiety, and autism treatment centers in Karachi. They are focused on mental health. They provide psychotherapy, child psychotherapy, marital counseling, clinical hypnotherapy, etc.

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