Education and Training NGOs and Charities in Pakistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working for literacy promotion. Their work includes managing schools for primary education, conducting adult literacy programs, vocational skill based training. Some are focused on educating those with special needs and differently abled individuals.. Total Results = 537

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Aga Khan Health Services is providing quality health care to 8 million people annually. It is one of the largest NGOs in Pakistan. They are working on healthcare, education, agriculture & food security, early childhood development etc.
Saylani is known for poverty alleviation work. It is one of the largest ngos in Pakistan, with headquarters in Karachi, Sindh. Services include free food distribution, education, free health services, disaster recovery, and vocational training programs.
The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is the leading Education NGO of Pakistan. It is known for imparting quality education in its well equipped schools. This NGO was established in 1995 in Karachi.
AlKhidmat Foundation is one of the leading non-profit organizations in Pakistan. It is involved in humanitarian services work since 1990. This Lahore based NGO has offices in multiple cities in Pakistan.
One of the largest education Ngos in Pakistan. It is focused on providing free and high quality education to under privileged children. Their mission is to increase literacy rate in Pakistan.

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SOS is a non-profit organization working for the welfare, education, and upbringing of orphans in Pakistan. It runs orphan homes in Lahore and multiple cities in Pakistan.
Zindagi trust is a leading Education NGO in Pakistan. It is led by the celebrity singer Mr. Shehzad Roy. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving education in Pakistan, specially at primary school level.
The AKDN is an international network of NGOs and development agencies. It is an international NGO based in Islamabad. Its focus work areas include Micro Finance, Education, Health and Nutrition, Economic development and disaster response.
It is a vocational training institute. Aman Tech is developing a skilled and economically empowered workforce through technical vocational training, soft skills and exposure to employment opportunities. They are giving technical training.

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