NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working in Sindh. Total Results = 571

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The Pakistan Association for Mental Health is one of the oldest non-profits working for anxiety, depression, mental disorders, and mental health awareness NGOs in Pakistan. It runs a free mental health clinic and psychiatric clinic in Saddar, Karachi.
After OPP's success with its five core programs—low-cost sanitation, housing, health, education, and loan for microenterprise—in 1988, it was upgraded to three autonomous institutions. OPP-RTI, OPP-OCT, and OPP-KHASDA
JDC old age home Gulistan-e-Zainabia is located in Karachi. JDC is working in all over the country. It has one of the largest old age homes in Pakistan.

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The Edhi Foundation has set up 18 homes all over Pakistan (seven old age homes are running in Karachi). Edhi's home is working as an orphanage home, a shelter home, and an old age care home. 8,500 people have been accommodated in 18 homes.
IBS offers consultation for patients with psychiatric illnesses, mental health issues, and substance use disorders under the supervision of well-known, qualified, and experienced professionals in psychiatry, psychology, and occupational therapy.
It is providing specialized, advanced pediatric cancer care around the clock to children. CCH has aided in the diagnosis and treatment of over 4600 children with cancer and blood diseases. Their mission is to provide the best cancer treatment in Pakistan.
This is a welfare organization. They also provide a retirement home and an aged care home. Their mission is to provide all sorts of possible help & facilities to the needy, the poor, the miserable, the orphan, the widow, the dissolute, and the displaced.
Amzi home is an orphanage in Sindh, Pakistan. Its orphan house facility can accommodate 288 orphans/destitute sand 70 widows. It is managed by the Mustafa Benevolent Trust.

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