NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working in Sindh. Total Results = 571

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RDF is working in the rural and semi rural areas in Sindh. Their mission is development of marginalized and poor groups. RDF working on the sector of education & learning, water and energy, health, nutrition and sanitation and disaster risk managment.
MALC is working for leprosy elimination, TB and blindness control, mother and child healthcare in Pakistan. it is one of the largest NGOs in Pakistan, working in the field of leprosy control. it was established in 1956.
The Edhi Foundation runs a number of orphanages in Karachi. Children of all ages are provided a home, care, and education. Many grow up to be an active part of the foundation's various charity services. Edhi orphanage is one of the largest in Pakistan.
Their vision is to assist in establishing new or strengthening current community-based organizations, in initiatives that support improved health, education, access to essential services, with the goal of increasing knowledge, capacity and productivity.
Their primary goal is to draw attention to the public's problems through forums, research, and documentation. URC also arranges lectures on development-related issues for NGOs. This helps organizations to relate their work to larger issues.

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The Hunar Foundation is a not-for-profit organization (NPO). THF’s mission is to provide vocational courses and technical training to the marginalized youth of Pakistan. This is one of the largest polytechnic / vocational training institute in Pakistan.
Tabba Heart Institute are committed to provide quality Cardiac care services to the people suffering from cardiac ailments. They are one of the best and most comprehensive cardiology services in Pakistan.
PAWLA is a women lawyers body in Pakistan. Its members also provide pro bono Free legal help services to marginalized women who otherwise may not be able to afford a lawyer.
PWA has been providing free medical care to the poor and needy patients under the care of Dr. Ruth K.M Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi without any cost.

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