NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working in Sindh. Total Results = 571

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Founded in 1995, Aahung is a Karachi based NGO working to improve the reproductive and sexual health and rights of the men, women, and children of Pakistan.
Enhancing rural lives with water access & technology through the use of goats as alternate currency. Their work is to enable smallholder rural, off-grid farming communities to meet their farming and household needs using livestock as currency.
ZVMG's mission is to serve humanity through the promotion of art and culture and the provision of high-quality education and health care to underprivileged communities. They also providing vocational training courses.
Shehri Pakistan is the leading Urdu citizenship education platform. Thier mission is to empower vulnerable communities through legal and constitutional literacy. It is a Karachi based NGO.
This is a private engineering consultancy. They provide expertise in the areas of energy efficiency, aerospace and renewable energy in Pakistan.

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PHRO is a member-based organization for human rights. PHRO's vision is to develop a world where there is no discrimination in terms of access to development opportunities. Their mission is to evolve, think, feel, express, share, serve, and live together.
Pakistan Animal Welfare Society - PAWS works for welfare of animals in Pakistan. This Karachi based animal welfare NGO also helps in arranging adoption for rescued animals as well as increasing compassion towards animals in Pakistani society.
NRSP is one of the largest rural development NGOs in Pakistan. Their mission is to alleviate poverty by enabling people to break the cycle of poverty. It was Established in 1991 and working in all over Pakistan.
Karaw-e-Hayat is a not-for-profit welfare organization providing mental health care services since 1983. It offers psychiatric and rehabilitation services to the mentally disturbed members of society, especially the poor and marginalized.

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